252-Day High Trading Strategy For Stocks (Complete Amibroker Code)
Is it smart to buy stocks setting 252-day highs? Let’s backtest a 252-day high trading strategy for stocks.
The 252-day high trading strategy for stocks returned 9.6% annually while using, on average, 83% of the capital.
252-day high trading strategy – trading rules
We make the following trading rules (with complete code for Amibroker):
THIS SECTION IS FOR MEMBERS ONLY. _________________ BECOME A MEBER TO GET ACCESS TO TRADING RULES IN ALL ARTICLES CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL 350 ARTICLES WITH TRADING RULESFor this backtest we used Norgate survivorship free data and we the rotation function in Amibroker. We hold a max of ten positions each time. Commissions and slippage are not included in the backtest.
When we backtested the strategy on the stocks in the S/P 500 we got the following equity curve:
The drawdowns look like this:
The trading statistics and performance read like this: 234 trades, annual return of 9.6%, 48% win rate, max drawdown is 37%, and you are invested 83% of the time.
The image below shows the full summary of the trading performance: