About This Site

Who We Are
This website is written and managed by Oddmund Groette and Hakan Samuelsson and their team.
Mr. Groette is a native Norwegian but resides in Latvia. Mr. Samuelsson lives in Sweden, where he trades, invests, and also manages one of Sweden’s most popular financial websites.
We have been independent full-time traders and investors for +20 years. We have traded every time frame there is and have gained valuable trading lessons.
Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
Oddmund Groette
- 1990-94: Norwegian School of Management (BI): Master degree – Business Administration.
- 1994-95: Mandatory military service.
- 1995-96: Heriot-Watt University: MSc Banking And International Finance.
- 1996-1998: Auditor
- 1998-2001: Co-founded Aksjeform.com, one of Norway’s first websites about trading and investing. Acquired by Digi.no in 2000.
- 2001-2018: Full-time independent and 100% systematic trader and investor. Passed Series 7 in 2001, but the license has since lapsed.
- 2018-today: Investor, writer, analyst.
Mr. Groette has published four books about investing and trading in Norwegian.
His book Aksjekjøp og Daytrading has to this day sold 30,000 copies, a record for a financial book in Norway.
Håkan Samuelsson
- Samuelsson has a Master’s Degree in Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
- He found a passion for trading early in his life and has been trading for many years as a proprietary trader (series 7) and retail.
- He loves traveling and has lived and worked in 10 countries around the globe.
- Today he works as an investor and runs a few companies as an entrepreneur.
- Samuelsson’s Linkedin Profil & X (Twitter)
Why read Quantified Strategies?
While we don’t give any specific investment advice, we do believe we have some insights to offer via backtesting to generate numbers, facts, and statistics – not opinions and anecdotal evidence.
We have a passion for anything related to trading and investing. We like being in contact with traders, and we have become better investors by running the website. The more traders and investors we know, the better we get as both traders and human beings.
Our main motivation for this blog is to improve our understanding, knowledge, and competence. Writing is a very powerful tool, and we believe an audience makes us put in a little more effort.
We both have higher educations, but we quote Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “What I was given to study in school I have forgotten; what I decided to read on my own, I still remember”.
We regard ourselves as more “street smart” than “academic smart”. We have survived in the markets for twenty years by being adaptable and flexible, not by building theoretical and complex models. If something seems reasonable, we go for it.
We’re investment agnostics: We invest in whatever time frame there is: day trading, swing trading, or investing for decades. We don’t go into the office in the morning with a rigid framework/mindset for where, when, and how to invest. Investing is a continuous learning experience.
English is not our mother tongue, so please apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Quantified Strategies By the Numbers
Quantified Strategies has been helping readers through our financial original studies, research, data analysis; and best-in-class educational content since 2012 when the website was founded.
Today, we have helped more than 1 million readers to gain financial insight and hopefully improve their trading.
So far, we have published plenty of articles and we are still at it:
(The number of articles on Quantified Strategies.)
Editorial Standards
Let’s shed some light on our editorial standards:
We have been (and are) full-time traders since 2001, and our mission is to simplify and help trading and investing decisions so that our readers have the confidence to make money. We aim to ensure that all of the articles on our site are helpful, practical, unbiased, and accurate.
The Quantified Strategies staff (Oddmund and Hakan) work with our network of contributors and review articles, update them, and manage all the articles you find on Quantified Strategies. We don’t make recommendations for you to buy, sell, or hold securities or investments – we are not financial advisors.
We offer independent, backtested, and unbiased articles (and videos) to provide relevant analysis based on numbers and statistics. We don’t give opinions – we give statistical and historical evidence in the form of backtests:
Statistics and facts don’t care about opinions!
Unlike most financial websites, we have been trading full-time (and successfully) for decades, but that doesn’t make us experts. We have hands-on experience – our hands are dirty and full of scars.
We are continually updating, evaluating, and editing articles to ensure anything is not outdated. Sometimes we even completely rewrite articles. Such articles are stamped to reflect this.
Each article has a byline that shows the author’s name or the one who contributed to that particular piece. The byline also has a link to more information about the author. Each article is reviewed and confirmed by a second contributor/author.
Our editorial team approves all story ideas independently but are later verified, fact-checked, and confirmed by a second contributor/author.
We don’t publish if there are any conflicts of interest.
All content is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for someone who is a licensed or certified professional. And no backtest is, of course, any guarantee that it will repeat in the future.
Every published article is reviewed and verified by a second contributor/author.
We aim to provide high-quality content with no use of Artificial Intelligence.
We strive to keep our brand name of Quantified Strategies in high regard. Thus, anything that is not correct or outdated will be removed or changed.
In the financial markets, there is little “evergreen” content. We date-stamp articles that are updated.
We welcome specific corrections to errors or mistakes. If you spot any errors or mistakes, don’t hesitate to contact us.
History of Quantified Strategies
2012: Domain registered.
2012-2020: Trading blog of Oddmund Groette.
2020-today: Owned by SIA Lofjord and run by Oddmund Groette and Hakan Samuelsson.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you if you have a comment or suggestion to share. Feel free to reach out by contacting us.
Ownership of Quantified Strategies
QuantifiedStrategies.com is a trademark of SIA Lofjord Corporation.
SIA Lofjord (Org.no: 40103900967)
Skanstes iela 29-110
LV-1013, Riga
Quantified Strategies (SIA Lofjord) is not an investment advisor. The content and information provided are educational and should not be treated as financial advisory services or investment advice. Trading and investment in securities involve substantial risk of loss and is not recommended for anyone that is not a trained trader or investor – it shall be conducted at your own risk. It is recommended that you never risk more than you are willing to lose. Leverage can lead to substantial losses. Any use of leverage, margin, or shorting is at your discretion. Quantified Strategies (SIA Lofjord) is not responsible for any losses that occur as a result of its content and information. Always use a demo account for many months before you try live trading. Trading requires hard and systematic work – there is no easy money.
Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Commissions and slippage are not included. Also, Since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under or overcompensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representations are made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.