Daily Analysis Delivered To Your Mailbox
Since January, we have developed a new service called DAILY ANALYSIS. We search for compelling patterns (edges) in the main asset classes each morning (S&P 500, bonds, and gold). You can subscribe monthly or annually.
We make trading rules of interesting patterns and market relationships and backtest them. We add patterns (edges) regularly, and so far, we have about 90 potential patterns (edges).
Click here for an example of a Daily Analysis sent to your email.
Below are a few examples of the backtests we made in March:
One for SPY:
One for GLD:
One for TLT:
This is what Rodney from New Zealand says about the product:
Yes I think it is awesome – if something has a high average trade size (to cover costs – I assume slippage and comm is not included) and a sample size of at least 50 I test it myself.