Failed Bounce Trading Strategy – (A Failed Bounce Often Precedes Rising Prices)

Failed Bounce Trading Strategy – (A Failed Bounce Often Precedes Rising Prices)

The failed bounce trading strategy:  Rob Hanna at Quantifiable Edges had an interesting article some days ago about bounces in the S&P 500. Let’s test his idea and turn it into a testable hypothesis:

(This article was first published in 2012. Since then, we have updated the charts, and the strategy is still performing well.)

The failed bounce trading strategy video

The failed bounce trading strategy

Why was it called the failed bounce strategy? We are not sure and frankly have no clue. But the name doesn’t matter, and the strategy is very good.

Trading rules

Let’s go straight to the trading rules, which we present in plain English:

(I changed Hanna’s strategy and ended up with these simple rules for the failed bounce trading strategy.)

  1. Yesterday’s IBS (Internal Bar Strength) was at least 0.6 or higher.
  2. Yesterday’s low was lower than the lowest low during the five days before.
  3. Today’s close is lower than yesterday’s close.
  4. Exit when the close is higher than yesterday’s high.
Failed Bounce Trading Strategy

Trading performance and statistics

When we plot the code into Amibroker, we get the following statistics and performance metrics (the most important metrics are underlined in blue) when we backtest the ETF with the ticker code SPY – the ETF that tracks S&P 500:

The failed bounce trading strategy

The trading statistics are good: the 204 trades returned an average of 0.86% per trade, and 77% of the trades turned out to be winners. Net profit is 450%, and the annual return is 5.8%.

We get these solid results despite being invested only 8.5% of the time. That equals a risk-adjusted return of 67%! The performance is excellent for such a simple concept, although the strategy has recently weakened.

Does the strategy work on other ETFs or futures? It does! But it works only on stocks, not commodities or bonds.

The equity chart looks like this for the failed bounce trading system:

The failed bounce trading strategy backtest

Let’s do another backtest where we look at Pepsi-Cola. Since 1975 we have had the following equity curve:

Failed bounce trading strategy example

The strategy is only invested 9% of the time but still has managed 6% annual returns, almost half the buy and hold return of 13% annually.

If you would like to have the Amibroker and Tradestation code for this “the failed bounce trading strategy” plus 200+ other free trading strategies published on this website, please click on this link:

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What is the “failed bounce trading strategy,” and where did it originate?

The “failed bounce trading strategy” is a trading approach that was introduced by Rob Hanna at Quantifiable Edges. While the origin of the name is unclear, the strategy itself has proven to be effective.

– What are the key trading rules for implementing the “failed bounce trading strategy”?

  • The trading rules for this strategy include:
  • Yesterday’s Internal Bar Strength (IBS) must be at least 0.6 or higher.
  • Yesterday’s low should be lower than the lowest low during the five days before.
  • Today’s close needs to be lower than yesterday’s close.
  • Exit the trade when close is higher than yesterday’s high.

How has this strategy performed in backtesting on the SPY ETF (S&P 500)?

When backtested on the SPY ETF, the strategy yielded 204 trades with an average return of 0.86% per trade. About 77% of the trades were winners, resulting in a net profit of 450% and an annual return of 5.8%. Despite being invested only 8.5% of the time, it delivered a risk-adjusted return of 67%.

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