Testimonials – Reviews | QuantifiedStrategies.com
I just found your website. Amazing how much valuable information you have there!
As an algo trader myself there is a plethora of resources and trading ideas. I loved it!
Erich R, Brazil
I came across your website when I was looking at exits for trend-following strategies – I’m very impressed.
Bill C., UK
With your inspiration, I was able to find a nice portfolio of simple strategies. The best thing is, that they are so less correlated.
Andreas, Germany
Just found your website this afternoon and can’t stop reading all the articles…very impressive research….really appreciate you guys posting your testing ideas and results.
Andrew, Brisbane (Australia)
Thank you for your great job. I owe you a lot, you have guided me to success in trading.
Luca C, Italy
I am impressed with your site.
I have never seen free strategies that many published. I have NEVER seen anyone testing every strategy.
Bala, Thailand
I’m writing to you about volume candles because I don´t know any other guys who are more competent than you and Håkan.
Kung Tung, Vietnam
Your free content is better than most I’ve paid for. Thank you so much! I must say again: I have learned more useful, profitable trading info from your blog than I have anywhere else.
Paul, Minnesota
I am quite enjoying your research and ideas!
Dhananjay Khaitan, India
Hi Oddmund, hi Hakan, you have a new fan!
I haven’t studied all your content, but at first sight and after a rough look at topics that consider my strategy, I have to say: WOW! This impresses me very much.
Carl, Germany
I really love your website, it’s got some awesome ideas.
Corvin, Panama
Thanks a lot for sharing an eye-opener article.
Devenfra, Pakistan
If you do publish a book, I will be a buyer if it is in English.
Kai, Taiwan
I have been a big fan of your work since the early days, when you were mostly Excel based on your strategies.
Thank you again for making your work available. Your site is the best that is available for actionable ideas.
Dave, USA
I’ve recently started reading your site and have enjoyed your very rational approach to systematic trading — including the pitfalls and less exciting parts of the process.
Thanks for sharing your great work!
Kebt (CFA), USA
I happened upon your site while researching for some backtesting results on various quant strategies. I’ve worked for a number of years in finance, in support roles, that have not satisfied my intellectual capacities. Your writing got me very interested as it seems both honest and valuable.
Erich B, EU
Hello, I think your website content is impressive!
Ken, USA
Dear Oddmund,
Thank you for the great service!
Nikita, Cyprus
Hi Oddmund,
I want to compliment you for the trading edge of October, its simplicity and equity line are very beautiful!
Luca, Italy
Your website is simply fantastic, thanks a lot!
Forex Trader, Sweden
I have come across your website for the first time, and I must admit that I am amazed by everything I see on this website.
Abbot R, USA
I am very happy I found this website, I really appreciate the way you approach trading and the development of strategies (keep it simple!).
Dan, USA
I bought the AmiBroker course one week ago. I’m very satisfied and happy about this course. Thanks so much for offering such an excellent product and service!
Horace, China
I came across your site while researching the company I currently work for and was completely blown away. Love is a big word, but I love what you guys are doing.
Caspar, Sweden
I just would like to send you a big “Thank You”.
Kudos, this is very nice work! Thank you very much for sharing.
- Christof, Germany
I came across your website and really love all the resources you provide, but more specifically the way you structure your educational articles….Your service has been fantastic and I’ve really grown as a trader thanks to you!
- Owen, Canada
I am very satisfied with your service. Well done.
- Yariv, Israel
Hi guys – just wanted to reach out and say I really like what you are doing. Great content. Always enjoy seeing one of your newsletters hit my inbox.
Mark, UK
I will say I really like your newsletter, wish I had more time to read more of them, and have been sharing them with my associates that I collaborate with on algo’s.
Thank you for your patience and a great resource I hope to take more advantage of in the future.
- Jason, USA
First off, I wanted to thank you for the strategies and course I purchased earlier. They’ve been fantastic so far, and I really like them.
- Owen H, Canada
Nice piece that you give out, completely for free. People do not know what they get.
- Chris, Germany
Thanks for the great content! I subscribed to your trading edges, and it’s a game-changer for a student like me who’s trying to break into the industry.
Rafael, Switzerland
The Amibroker course I purchased has been very helpful, as well as the 10 strategies I picked for the Amibroker course.
I greatly appreciate the service you provide at Quantified Strategies!
- Phil G, USA
Hi Oddmund,
Just another quick ‘heads-up’ email, to once again express my deep appreciation for letting me profit from your work.
- Chris, Germany
Thanks for creating such a great suite of products!
- Phil, USA
As a Gold member, I can say that Quantified Strategies is truly a goldmine for those who want to learn to trade. Here are ready-made robust strategies, excellent edges to work with, and well-written articles with tons of knowledge. The real deal, in other words. Thanks!!
- Roland, Sweden
The Quantified Strategies website is really fantastic, by the way. So much useful information and interesting analysis.
-Aaron, Australia
I am very happy so far with my purchases. Just about all of the strategies have continued to make new highs out of sample!
Eric, USA
I just stumbled upon Quantified Strategies and I must say, I’m blown away by the wealth of information and knowledge you guys have compiled on trading and investing strategies. Your focus on indicators, backtesting, candlesticks, technical analysis, statistics, and price action is truly commendable. I can’t help but wonder how long it has taken you both to accumulate and share this vast repository of trading wisdom?
- Kyle V.D, USA
By the way, the strategy produces some amazing results for being such a simple strategy! Thank you.
- Russ, USA
Very happy to be onboard. You guys are putting out some great content!
- James C, USA
Hi, I have purchased a few of your strategies in the past, which have been excellent additions to my broader portfolio of systems…keep up the great work!
- Brett N, USA
Love your newsletters and the strategies I bought from you guys. Keep it up!
Mate Z, Swtzerland
Really impressed with Quantified Strategies. Not only the strategies themselves, but also with your overall approach – and the reasoning behind!
- Avy, Israel
I’ve been a long term reader of your sites and appreciate the amazing content that’s available.
- Shawn, USA
I’ve been a gold subscriber for awhile and love your work.
Eric N., USA
My name is Tony, I would like to share my review of the Quantified Strategy Service. I was impressed with their trading strategy, especially after experiencing difficulties trading stocks in an unbalanced market. I decided to focus on trading the tickers QQQ and SPY, which I found to be safer and more consistently in an uptrend. After purchasing two strategies from Quantified Strategy and backtesting them, I found that they were profitable. Thanks Quantified Strategies for your excellent support
- Tony, USA
I bought some strategies last year, and I really like the IBS. I use EXCEL sheets with Entries an Exits at the Close, and it works fine.
-Said, Switzerland
Thank you. I have been backtesting with AMI Broker and then MS Excel.
I have enjoyed your candlestick product immensely.
Daniel R., USA
I was reviewing your website, really impressive.
Mike G., USA
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ull amco laboris. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer citation ullamco laboris en.
Thanks again,
Chad C., USA
Benjy., USA
Thanks again,
Chad C., USA